• Posted on October 14, 2019

    Going Green – Stage 2

    “Werner Engineering continues to reap the benefits of getting the energy solution right from the start."

    An important part of getting the right result that ensures our company stays prosperous, resilient, meets our clients and our community’s “green” expectation is partnering with the right Energy Efficiency Company and getting the right advice from the people we trust.

    We have now proven that the decision made by our Director, Darryl Stark, in partnering with Carbon Friendly Enterprises was the right one.

    Now not only are we leading the way in our region by embracing the “Carbon Economy” model but are seeing tangible benefits by meeting BMA’s new “Green supply chain” requirements.  This energy solution ensures we save on our bottom line. An investment that is working in reverse, saving us money by reducing a major overhead.

    CFE as a specialist Energy Efficiency Company, looked at our site as a whole rather than giving us a band-aid solar solution. Proving to us they had the skills and technical knowhow to not only provide the right solution from beginning but have the vision to plan so each subsequent energy efficiency upgrade dovetails neatly into the next. As our Stage 1 energy solution was so successful (Fig. 2.), we are at the point now where we will be undertaking Stage 2, installing an additional 82kW solar system to offset the never-ending energy price rises.

    Until now, on the 63.3kW solar alone (as part of our CFE Energy Management Package), our existing system has generated 207,145kWh and saved 169.9 tonnes of CO2 emissions going into the atmosphere. Equivalent to powering 25 homes for 1 year, 25 passenger cars driven for 1 year, 205 barrels of oil and equivalent to 2422 seedlings planted. From the success of Stage 1 we are installing a new 82kW system which will generate 88,662kWh/year =72,7metric tons of CO2 per annum. Enough to power 10.9 homes for 1 year, 145 barrels of oil, 13.3 passenger vehicles driven for 1 year.

    After implementing Stage 1 and the start of Stage 2 (Fig. 1), Werner Engineering will be cleaner, greener, gain valuable energy assets, free up internal capital, pays less now for power, not be significantly affected by the volatile energy market and have a marked competitive advantage in our region to ensure our prosperity well into the future.

    We can focus on delivering a quality service to our customers and our workers can be proud they work for a company that does more than just talk about caring for the environment.

    [caption id="attachment_745" align="aligncenter" width="692"] Fig. 1. Stage 1 and Proposed Stage 2 Overview[/caption] [caption id="attachment_739" align="aligncenter" width="688"] Fig. 2. Stage 1 Completed in November 2016[/caption] [caption id="attachment_738" align="aligncenter" width="687"] Fig. 2. Stage 1[/caption]


  • Posted on August 22, 2017

    Werner Engineering Goes Green and Lights the Way for Mackay Industry

    Local Companies Werner Engineering & Carbon Friendly Enterprises (CFE) join forces and eliminate 50-70% of Werner’s 2017 electricity bill with 171,000kg of CO2 being prevented from entering the atmosphere annually as a result. Werner Engineering have recently relocated into a brand new purpose built premises located at Silverton Crt Paget in 2013, raising an important issue that building design and the lowest construction quotes have relatively nothing to do with best practice in energy efficiency as demonstrated in the 50-70% energy cost elimination measures taken by Werner as further outlined below.

    Werner Engineering’s new “Energy Management Package” was put together with the help of local indigenous owned company Carbon Friendly Enterprises team of professional engineers, international energy managers and technical trades’ people as a first of its kind in the Paget area with the help of significant available government and private funding support. As a result a total of 50% of the entire project cost was paid for with funding secured by CFE on behalf of Werner Engineering across multiple projects with the entire energy management program being structured by CFE in such a way as to gain an immediate positive Return on Investment (ROI) and 50% Bill reduction for Werner Engineering once fully implemented in Jan 2017.

    CFE is as an internationally recognized industrial scale energy engineering specialist company that recognises that there is no one silver bullet to energy efficiency and as such a professional methodical approach is required to ensure that all of the pieces of the energy management puzzle fit and work together in concert to deliver an integrated system suited to their clients individual needs and environment.
    Werner Engineering’s new “Energy Management Plan” reflects this as well as their need of delivering better quality electricity that now protects the high value assets of Werner and ensures better quality finished products as a result in their delivery of mining scale CNC machining, fitting and engineering fabrication projects. Hence, Werner’s unique energy requirements have resulted in a CFE designing a unique multi-pronged engineering approach in order to eliminate, reduce, reuse, refuse and recycle their energy. Some of the “Energy Management Package” savings were gained from the commercial solar system, lighting upgrade and power conditioning equipment, all sized and installed by CFE to suit the particular site requirements and future proof this local company against volatile electricity price hikes.

    However, CFE cautions against the ad hock piece meal approach to energy management as this can lead to a lot of cost with no gain. These particular items were specifically designed by CFE to work in unison with the entire “Energy Management Plan” thereby producing compounding gains with an immediate payback and some with no initial capital outlay required, further amplifying Werner Engineering’s 50% Forecast Energy Bill reduction in the first year alone and 70% energy cost reduction from year 5 onwards. Werner will also reduce CO2 emissions by a staggering 1,020,000 kg of CO2 over the next six years.
    Ensuring Werner Engineering’s long term viability with significant reductions in energy costs but also having a long term positive effect on the community, with massive positive environmental impacts and giving Werner Engineering an ethical and social license to operate on a scale not yet seen in Mackay.

  • Posted on March 22, 2016







    Increase The Life Of Your Tracks And Save Money

    Werner Engineering Mackay in conjunction with local farmers have designed and manufactured a prototype track alignment kit for the front idlers of the 9000T & 9020T Series track driven tractors.

  • Posted on February 24, 2016

    Modern farming equipment: how engineering can overcome the shortcomings of technology

    Farming equipment has come a long way over the last decades and centuries. But the fact is that even with the research and development we’re now capable of, engineering still occasionally falls short in designing reliable machinery. And it seems to be that the more that advances in technology push farming equipment into new levels of high-tech complexity, the worse the problems are when they do happen.

  • Posted on September 15, 2015

    Latest addition to our fleet of CNC machines is the Okuma CNC Vertical Machining Centre

    Our latest addition to our fleet of CNC machines is the Okuma CNC Vertical Machining Centre having a table size of 1300mm x 560mm and an automatic tool changer housing 32 tools, it can handle a large variety of milling requirements without moving it to another machine thus saving time and money for our customers. This machine as with all our other CNC machines, are connected to our computer network to enable time saving uploading and downloading and the storing of programs for when the job comes around again.